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Photovoltaics. New technologies.

2024-06-26 10:24


Efficientamento energetico, fotovoltaico, produzione energia, energia green, nuove tecnologie, news,

Photovoltaics. New technologies.

The technology of photovoltaic modules has made giant strides in recent years, with numerous innovations increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

The technology of photovoltaic modules has made great strides in recent years, with numerous innovations that increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve reliability. Below are some of the latest technologies in the field of solar energy production:


1. Perovskite Photovoltaic Modules
Perovskite solar cells represent one of the most promising innovations. These materials offer high efficiency in converting sunlight into electricity, are less expensive to produce than traditional silicon, and can be manufactured on flexible surfaces. Recently, there has been a rapid increase in the efficiency of perovskite cells, reaching competitive levels with silicon cells.


2. Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules
Bifacial modules are able to capture sunlight on both sides of the panel. This increases the amount of energy produced, especially when installed on reflective surfaces such as sand, snow, or white roofs. Bifacial technology is particularly advantageous for ground-mounted solar installations.


3. Tandem Photovoltaic Modules
Tandem solar cells combine two or more photovoltaic materials with different bandgaps to capture a wider range of the solar spectrum. A common example is the combination of silicon cells with perovskite cells, which can exceed the efficiency limit of individual silicon cells.


4. Transparent Photovoltaic Modules
Transparent photovoltaic modules can be used in applications such as solar windows and building facades. These modules allow for generating electricity without compromising light transmission, making them ideal for architectural integration.


5. Thin-Film Photovoltaic Modules
Thin-film modules, made with materials like cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), are lighter and more flexible than crystalline silicon modules. These modules offer high efficiency and can be used in applications requiring flexibility and lightness.


6. PERC Technology (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell)
PERC technology enhances the efficiency of monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar cells by adding a passivating layer on the back of the cell. This layer reflects the unabsorbed light back into the cell, increasing the amount of light converted into electricity.


7. Interdigitated Back Contact Photovoltaic Modules (IBC)
IBC solar cells move all electrical contacts to the rear of the cell, reducing optical losses caused by contacts on the front surface. This design increases efficiency and the aesthetics of the modules, making them ideal for high-end residential and commercial applications.


8. Multi-Busbar Technology Photovoltaic Modules
Using multiple busbars (metal wires carrying electric current) on the surface of solar cells reduces resistance and increases energy collection efficiency. Multi-busbar technology also improves module reliability by reducing stress points.


9. Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Photovoltaic Modules
BIPV modules are designed to be integrated directly into the structure of buildings, such as roofs, facades, and glass. This technology saves space and building materials, offering a modern and functional aesthetic.


10. Self-Cleaning Photovoltaic Modules
Some modules are equipped with special coatings that reduce the accumulation of dust and dirt on the surface, improving long-term efficiency and reducing the need for maintenance.

These innovations are pushing the boundaries of efficiency and applicability of photovoltaic modules, making solar energy an increasingly competitive and sustainable solution for energy production.

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